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Off ice  Hockey training aids  Hockey passers  Bauer Modular Training Center - Rebounder

Bauer Modular Training Center - Rebounder

Bauer Modular Training Center - Rebounder
Bauer Modular Training Center - Rebounder

Work on passing and one-timers with high-rebound rubber that quickly returns the puck back to the shooter or passer.

Key Features:
- Two large 28” x 4” rebounding surfaces provide realistic and consistent rebounds no matter where the puck impacts.
- Breaks down for portability.
- Easy to combine with multiple modular training items.

EAN code: 688698646801
Article number: 01149840722OS
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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