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Hockey goalie  Goalie accessories  Goalie knee pads  Bauer Goalie Knee Pads RP Prodigy Velcro

Bauer Goalie Knee Pads RP Prodigy Velcro

Bauer Goalie Knee Pads RP Prodigy Velcro
Bauer Goalie Knee Pads RP Prodigy Velcro
For the young and ambitious goaltender seeking optimal protection and mobility, the Bauer Goalie Knee Guards RP Prodigy Velcro are the perfect choice. These knee guards are specifically designed to provide the support and comfort they need when facing shot after shot. With its adjustable Velcro strap, you can easily customize the fit to ensure the guards stay securely in place throughout the entire game or practice session. They are made from durable materials that can withstand tough play while offering a lightweight construction for maximum freedom of movement. The guards are an investment in safety that helps to build confidence between the posts for the young stars on the ice.
EAN code: 688698143850
Article number: 01149980722OS
Model series:Bauer Prodigy
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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