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Hockey goalie  Goalie accessories  Goalie knee pads  Bauer Goalie Knee Pads Prodigy

Bauer Goalie Knee Pads Prodigy

Bauer Goalie Knee Pads Prodigy
Bauer Goalie Knee Pads Prodigy
For the young goaltender looking to elevate their game, the Bauer Prodigy goalie knee pads are designed to provide optimal protection and mobility on the ice. With an adjustable fit and a sturdy construction, these knee pads are perfect for junior league players who aspire to improve their techniques without compromising safety. The comfortable padding and durable material withstand tough shots and help absorb impacts, giving goaltenders the confidence to face every challenge during the game. Ideal for dedicated young athletes who want to stay protected and agile between the posts.
EAN code: 688698442625
Article number: 01149970119OS
Model series:Bauer Prodigy
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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