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Hockey goalie  Goalie leg pads  Goalie leg pads accessories  Mohawke Spray GoalieFix 300ml

Mohawke Spray GoalieFix 300ml

Mohawke Spray GoalieFix 300ml
Mohawke Spray GoalieFix 300ml
Removes puck marks on Goalie Pads, catchers and blockers. Use a sponge to start with. Spray on with GoalieFix and start working on the puck marks, preferably in the direction of the puck marks, you may spray a few times so that the marks dissolve and disappear. The last thing you can do is use a so-called. Miracle sponge which with its friction removes the most difficult marks.
EAN code: 7331244827003
Article number: 00188970207Rn
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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