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Hockey accessories  Pucks  Green biscuit & tecknical pucks  Bauer Multi Surface Training Puck - 24 Pack

Bauer Multi Surface Training Puck - 24 Pack

Bauer Multi Surface Training Puck - 24 Pack
Bauer Multi Surface Training Puck - 24 Pack
Designed to accurately simulate the weight, bounce, slide, and contact height of the ice hockey pucks you’re familiar with. Great for street, roller, recreational hockey, or off-ice training, these pucks feature a non-marking rubber with plastic gliding surface that mimics how a puck glides on a fresh sheet of ice.

Key Features:
- Same size and weight as a regulation ice hockey puck.
- Great for street, roller, recreational hockey, and off-ice training.
- Non-marking rubber with plastic gliding surface to minimize friction.
- Intended for shooting and stick-handling practice.
EAN code: 688698646900
Article number: 01149870119OS
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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