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Hockey accessories  Hockey bag  Hockey bag with wheels  Grit Hockey Wheel Bag Grit GT4 Sumo Wheel Bag 40¨

Grit Hockey Wheel Bag Grit GT4 Sumo Wheel Bag 40¨

Grit Hockey Wheel Bag Grit GT4 Sumo Wheel Bag 40¨
Grit Hockey Wheel Bag Grit GT4 Sumo Wheel Bag 40¨Grit Hockey Wheel Bag Grit GT4 Sumo Wheel Bag 40¨Grit Hockey Wheel Bag Grit GT4 Sumo Wheel Bag 40¨Grit Hockey Wheel Bag Grit GT4 Sumo Wheel Bag 40¨Grit Hockey Wheel Bag Grit GT4 Sumo Wheel Bag 40¨

One of the best goalie bags on the market. Built around a steel frame and made of sturdy nylon for durability. Good solutions in the bag for storing equipment and the possibility of attaching the shin guards on the outside during transport.

  • Measurements: 101cm x 66cm x 50cm
  • Including skate mat.
EAN code: 670477003912
Article number: 0051879000940
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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