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Hockey goalie  Goalie leg pads  Goalie leg pads senior  TRUE Goalie Leg Pads HZRDUS 7X4 Sr White/Red

TRUE Goalie Leg Pads HZRDUS 7X4 Sr White/Red

TRUE Goalie Leg Pads HZRDUS 7X4 Sr White/Red
TRUE Goalie Leg Pads HZRDUS 7X4 Sr White/Red
Discover the TRUE Goalie Leg Pads HZRDUS 7X4 – a groundbreaking combination of quality and affordability, created for the 2024 game. These goalie leg pads are designed to deliver top performance without compromising on quality. With advanced technologies and materials common in TRUE's flagship goalie gear, the HZRDUS 7X4 gives you competitive advantages straight out of the box. Whether you're an enthusiastic junior, a serious senior league player, or a parent wanting to provide your child with the best possible protection, the HZRDUS 7X4 goalie leg pads combine innovation with integrity to help you keep the net empty.

- 40% thinner thigh rise
- 30% stiffer thigh material
- Pro Laces bungee system
- FRS Straps
Article number: 0119781-0224
Model series:TRUE HZRDUS
For who?:SR
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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