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Hockey goalie  Goalie catchers  Goalie catchers intermediate  Warrior Catch Glove G7 Pro Int Black

Warrior Catch Glove G7 Pro Int Black

Warrior Catch Glove G7 Pro Int Black
Warrior Catch Glove G7 Pro Int Black
Experience a new level of goaltending with the Warrior Catch Glove G7 Pro, designed to provide you with superior control and comfort in the net. The expanded dimensions at the thumb give you a wider catching profile, which increases the chance of snagging the puck. The innovative closure from the index finger to the middle of the thumb allows for a natural and intuitive movement, while the new wrist design maximizes your wrist mobility without compromising protection. The removable inner glove with a 75-degree finger positioning enables a personalized fit and quick drying after intense games or practices. The CoverEDGE+ design optimizes the coverage area, and the HyperComp reinforcement in the core adds unparalleled stability. In addition, the simple Tee pocket with AxyFlex technology provides enhanced puck control, so you can direct the game from the goal.

- Wider catching profile
- Improved wrist mobility
- Personalized fit and feel
EAN code: 647742729754
Article number: 01204270119CS
Model series:WARRIOR Ritual
For who?:INT
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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