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Hockey goalie  Goalie blockers  Goalie blockers intermediate  Warrior Blocker G7 Pro Int Black

Warrior Blocker G7 Pro Int Black

Warrior Blocker G7 Pro Int Black
Warrior Blocker G7 Pro Int Black
Experience the next level of goaltending performance with the Warrior Blocker G7 Pro. This state-of-the-art goalie blocker is designed to deliver faster and more predictable rebounds thanks to its 20-degree angled break design. Enhanced wrist mobility allows you to move freely and react swiftly to shots. Its full range of motion in finger guards, along with increased protection for the index finger and adjustable side protection, provides you with the security you need in net. The CoverEDGE+ design optimizes the glove to offer maximum coverage and protection. In addition, the removable and adjustable palm, as well as the contoured thumb and finger protection, offer a customizable and comfortable fit. With the Warrior Blocker G7 Pro, you can focus on the game and trust that your equipment will perform at its best.

- Predictable puck rebounds
- Increased wrist mobility
- Customizable finger protection
EAN code: 647742727057
Article number: 01204340119CS
Model series:WARRIOR Ritual
For who?:INT
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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