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Hockey accessories  Pucks  Street hockey puck  Green Biscuit Puck NHL Edition- TAMPA BAY

Green Biscuit Puck NHL Edition- TAMPA BAY

Green Biscuit Puck NHL Edition- TAMPA BAY
Green Biscuit Puck NHL Edition- TAMPA BAY
The Green Biscuit Puck NHL Edition- Tampa Bay Lightning is the perfect puck for practicing stick technique when you have a lack of ice. It is made of high-quality plastic and has a low weight that makes it slide on most smooth surfaces such as. asphalt. It has a unique design inspired by the Tampa Bay Lightning. It is perfect for practicing shots, passes and stickhandling. It is easy to carry and is a great way to improve your hockey skills. It is ideal for both indoor and outdoor use and is the perfect puck to improve your game.
Article number: 00012361477OS
Size guide
Stick Flex Chart
Blade Pattern Guide CCM
Size Guide
Blade Pattern Guide
Blade Pattern Guide TRUE

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